Five eco-friendly New Year’s resolutions for a more sustainable 2022 – KAPDAA - The Offcut Company

Five eco-friendly New Year’s resolutions for a more sustainable 2022

Five eco-friendly New Year’s resolutions for a more sustainable 2022

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. If you are planning to be your best self in the new year, it’s a great time to think about the small changes you can make now to prepare for the challenges ahead.

It’s the little things that count, so we have rounded up five of the ways you can help save the world in 2022 without breaking a sweat!

Go plastic free

You don’t realize how much plastic you use until you stop. The shift to a plastic-free lifestyle is no small feat, but there are many small changes that you can make today towards a sustainable lifestyle. 

From taking a shopping bag to the shops with you to buying loose food and storing it in reused glass containers, almost every decision you make is an opportunity to be more or less ethical and eco-friendly. 

Take, for example, KAPDAA - The Offcut Company, who make foldable shopper bags made from scraps of recycled designer fabric - a small step towards starting the new year by keeping the environment in mind.

Go for a more ethical diet

According to research at Oxford University, switching to a plant based diet may be the single biggest way to reduce your impact on the environment . The resources needed to keep, process and kill livestock makes meat production the single biggest consumer of land and water of any food product.

In 2022, think of the changes you can make to your diet to reduce unnecessary harm both to animals and the planet. Shop for seasonal and local produce, grow your own food where possible and support businesses that don’t profit from animal suffering.

Get your pets on board

Likewise, there are many ways to reduce your pet’s carbon footprint! The average dog is responsible for approximately 770kg of carbon emissions each year, largely due to the logistics of producing and shipping their food, as well as pet toys and products. 

With 20% of UK dogs overweight, it may be time for your pet to set some New Year’s resolutions of their own, using less food and spending more time in the park! 

There are also now ranges of sustainably produced clothes and pet accessories - such as KAPDAA’s pet bandana collection - to keep pets warm and happy with no expense paid by the environment.

Take up a new sport - the right way!

New Year's resolutions are always big business for sports companies selling fitness equipment. 47% of those committing to a resolution in the UK will put exercise at the top of the list, pushing factories to churn out all sorts of plasticky clothes and accessories. 

If you plan to take up a new fitness regime in the new year - maybe yoga - , shop around for reused materials or buy second hand. Every ethical purchase is one less piece of waste going to landfill!

Start a (sustainable) diary!

Sometimes there is no comparison: writing a letter feels more personal than writing an email, and ticking off a to-do list feels better than closing a tab. Journaling is another rewarding way to spend your time -- and better still if it’s done sustainably!

The average person in the UK uses about four and a half trees worth of paper each year. Despite the switch to digital, the amount used has increased by nearly 50% since 1980. 

Having the space to evaluate your thoughts and moods is an essential part of maturity and a fantastic New Year’s resolution. It might even help you keep track of your other commitments to using less plastic or running more! 

But if you do plan to start a journal next year, consider one printed from reused materials, recycled paper and ethically sourced ink. These small changes all add up.

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